No TransLink Tax Campaign Calls on Mayors to Quit Using Students To Carry Their Propaganda

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/03/27

The No TransLink Tax campaign is calling on the Vancouver School District cease using school children to send partisan, taxpayer-funded ads home – and to apologize to parents and children for teaching backwards democratic values in schools.

It’s unclear how widespread this has become, however the No TransLink Tax campaign has received reports of YES side, taxpayer-funded propaganda sent home with students in some schools in Vancouver. And every Vancouver school website now features a YES ad at the top (example HERE).

“First these TransLink Mayors waste millions of tax dollars on fancy ads and robocalls, then they include only YES side information in the ballot packages and jam their YES propaganda into recreation centres, city halls and other taxpayer-funded facilities,” said Jordan Bateman, spokesperson for the No TransLink Tax campaign. “Now they’re using schools to send home YES propaganda with young students. What kind of banana republic democracy is this? Public facilities – especially schools – should be non-partisan.” 

The YES propaganda, which can be seen below, appears to have been paid for by TransLink tax dollars. “The TransLink Mayors are out trying to buy our votes – and trying to use our kids as the sales force,” said Bateman. 

The No TransLink Tax campaign is funded by voluntary donations and has a campaign budget of $40,000. The Yes campaign is being funded by TransLink and certain municipalities with public money to the tune of approximately $7 million – and still refuses to fully disclose its private donors.

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Franco Terrazzano
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